Purging for Peace

I just spent the past hour and a half combing through my personal Instagram followers. I removed hundreds of people whom I either did not know or no longer felt the need to share what “little” I share on that platform with. When I started, I felt bad, felt like I would be offending some people, and ultimately wanted to stop. But as I kept removing people, tapping that button got easier and easier. I created criteria with a few exceptions to whom I wanted to have access to me.

This year, I feel like I’ve been in a constant state of decluttering! I’m not a hoarder, but I also don’t travel light. I capture tons of memories and I am a creative so stuff accumulates over time. This season of purging emotional baggage and physical baggage has been liberating for my soul. I still have tons of work to do, but I aim for progress over perfection.

 I call this: Purging for Peace

◦            Setting and sticking to healthy boundaries

◦            Letting go of things (and people) that no longer serve a purpose 

◦            Making room for God’s best for me

◦            Saying no more so I can say yes when it’s right

◦            Prioritizing my needs, so I can more readily support others (and not feeling guilty about it)

◦            Less people pleasing!!!

-Briana Ariel


Commitment and Consistency


Grieving and Growth