
I’ve wrestled with this idea of vulnerability for decades. What does it look like and is it even necessary? Recently, I’ve been challenged to show up raw to the utmost degree not because I really want to, but because I felt called in that moment. I’m in the process of realizing that I don’t have to be completely vulnerable with everyone I encounter - that’s not wisdom. Even the Bible tells us to guard our hearts. I’m learning to flip the switch when I feel the call, the prompting of the Holy Spirit, to share a piece of me in its most authentic form.

When this happens, I still feel exposed, but my exposure has the potential to be a source of healing, encouragement, and an expression of love to whomever I am speaking with. Honestly, the outcome has less to do with me and more to do with what God is doing in someone else.

I wonder how much healing, growth, and love would bloom organically if we as a collective chose to be more vulnerable with the people in our world? I wonder how much is being held back in our attempt to maintain perfection or to stay in our comfort zone?

Just some thoughts….

-Briana Ariel


Powerful words

