My First YouTube Video is Live

I did a thing!

I’ve been tinkering with the idea of starting a creative YouTube channel for years. I even recorded many times, but then decided to scratch the idea. However, after lots of contemplating, I finally took the plunge and published my very first YouTube video.


Is it perfect? Absolutely not.

Did I cringe a little watching the replay? Yes!


Even with the discomfort I am very proud of myself for doing it. I feel like a weight of “what if” is off my shoulder.


I’ve been sharing some of my creativity on Instagram for a while now, but I like the idea of being on another platform that doesn’t suck me into the algorithm like Instagram.


My creative goal for this year: Create more, Consume less!


I’d love for you to check out my video (I will get better over time)… feel free to share.


Rise and Shine 


The Time is Now