In Awe
I am currently wiping away tears from my eyes. These tears stem from being overwhelmed in the most loving of ways by God. It’s 5am on April 20th, 2021 and I’ve just sent approval for one of my art pieces to be used in a campaign in Brazil. Not just any campaign, but one that will change the lives of so many impoverished mothers.
I’m in awe!
When I started sharing my art in December of 2020 I knew that I wanted purpose behind it. I’ve been an artist my entire life, so I didn’t need the public accolades of sharing. I wanted to use proceeds from my art to give back to charities in need. I’ve been doing that and God has been so faithful! Now an actual piece of art that I created will be used in a campaign all the way in Brazil in the midst of a global pandemic. This art is going far beyond I physically can in this moment. Isn’t that just what God would do? He took my small yes to having a “little art shop,” and wanting to create “art with a cause,” and used it in ways I had not even fathomed; in places I’ve never even seen!
In this moment I feel:
Seen by God.
I am walking in my purpose.
Overwhelmed by this moment.
In a place of awe.
Don’t underestimate the power of your “small yes.”
Since writing this I’ve had more opportunities to work
with this beautiful organization in Brazil and other non-profits in the US.
-Briana Ariel