Sew & Chill - Girls Peplum Top

New video alert! I must admit I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF for getting this video out for various reasons!

  1. I ran out of storage on my laptop. I tried to export this video at least 10 times to no avail. I wanted to give up, but I persisted.

  2. I don’t love recording in a long format video because it takes a little fun out of the process. So I wanted to quit, but I persisted.

  3. I used an external mic and my hair interfered with the quality of the sound. I ended up doing a voice-over. I wanted to delete the entire video, but I persisted.

  4. I actually messed up in the video (I talk about it in the voice-over). I thought about scratching the entire project, but I persisted.

If there is something you are struggling with and you are ready to give up….. I encourage you to dig a little deeper and persist. You will never know what is on the other side of your persistence unless you actually do "the thing!”

-Briana Ariel


July 2023 Recap


My First Studio Vlog