June 2023 Recap
This month felt like it took forever to arrive and then with a blink of an eye, it’s gone. Here are a few highlights:
I entered into the month with some type of virus that struck the entire house. I am grateful we are all feeling better. Once we recovered, the rest of the month was full of celebrating people I love and cherish.
DUKE University Chapel
We took a family trip to Duke University to celebrate my little sister receiving her white coat!
Took a trip to the Botanical Gardens with my little ones.
I released my first YouTube Video! This was a big feat for me to just press publish, but I am glad I did. I guess it’s time to finish the next one.
Spent a week unplugged at the beach with my extended family!
Even though I was exhausted from late game nights and early wake-up calls thanks to my little ones, it was wonderful.
My oldest made a sign for me. Translation: “ Mommy’s restaurant it only cost 5 cents to eat.” (she’s precious)
Photographed wild horses.
Started a new sketchbook.
I was off social media and honestly didn’t miss it at all.
My husband and I survived our first family vacation as a family of 5.
Rode a bicycle for the first time in years.
Celebrated a couple of birthdays 🎉 and a baby shower
I am currently in the thick of a teething baby. Sleep is a foreign concept to me right now, but I am hanging on. Say a prayer for me.
FREED Magazine is in our annual production cycle. The FREED Team works super hard during this season so we can take a 3-month break in the winter. It’s HARD work at the moment, but the payoff is phenomenal (spiritual and physical). Super excited to release our projects soon!
Tried and failed to clear my to-do list.
My oldest daughter can read now and she has been reading my books. She’s currently reading Soul Affirmations Vol II.
I took a week off from Forever Green Branding. This was hard because it’s our family business and something I actually enjoy doing. I am learning rest in business is important too.
I’ve cried, I’ve laughed, I was present, ate good food, had good conversations, let some things go, carried more than I should have, stepped out in faith, and grown in different ways.
Overall, I am exhausted but full of sweet memories.
I am going to shift some priorities heading into July.
Hopefully, spend more time creating.
-Briana Ariel