June 2023 Recap

This month felt like it took forever to arrive and then with a blink of an eye, it’s gone. Here are a few highlights:

I entered into the month with some type of virus that struck the entire house. I am grateful we are all feeling better. Once we recovered, the rest of the month was full of celebrating people I love and cherish.

DUKE University Chapel

We took a family trip to Duke University to celebrate my little sister receiving her white coat!

Took a trip to the Botanical Gardens with my little ones.

I released my first YouTube Video! This was a big feat for me to just press publish, but I am glad I did. I guess it’s time to finish the next one.

Spent a week unplugged at the beach with my extended family!

Even though I was exhausted from late game nights and early wake-up calls thanks to my little ones, it was wonderful.

My oldest made a sign for me. Translation: “ Mommy’s restaurant it only cost 5 cents to eat.” (she’s precious)

  • Photographed wild horses.

  • Started a new sketchbook.

  • I was off social media and honestly didn’t miss it at all.

  • My husband and I survived our first family vacation as a family of 5.

  • Rode a bicycle for the first time in years.

  • Celebrated a couple of birthdays 🎉 and a baby shower

  • I am currently in the thick of a teething baby. Sleep is a foreign concept to me right now, but I am hanging on. Say a prayer for me.

  • FREED Magazine is in our annual production cycle. The FREED Team works super hard during this season so we can take a 3-month break in the winter. It’s HARD work at the moment, but the payoff is phenomenal (spiritual and physical). Super excited to release our projects soon!

  • Tried and failed to clear my to-do list.

  • My oldest daughter can read now and she has been reading my books. She’s currently reading Soul Affirmations Vol II.

  • I took a week off from Forever Green Branding. This was hard because it’s our family business and something I actually enjoy doing. I am learning rest in business is important too.

I’ve cried, I’ve laughed, I was present, ate good food, had good conversations, let some things go, carried more than I should have, stepped out in faith, and grown in different ways.

Overall, I am exhausted but full of sweet memories.

I am going to shift some priorities heading into July.

Hopefully, spend more time creating.

-Briana Ariel


My First Studio Vlog


Rise and Shine