Affirmation ABCs for Little Ladies

Empowering Girls with Character-Building Affirmations

The purpose of this illustrated children's book is to empower girls with character-building affirmations. Each page is filled with colors and words to lay the foundation of establishing the reader's identity. 

The youngest readers will learn the alphabet, and colors, as well as learning new words to encourage them throughout their life.

I hope that girls will feel empowered to be everything they were created to be by reading this book. 

Available for Purchase Today

"I am radiant, I am smart, I am beautiful, I am joyful, I am talented, and I am kind. No matter what others say, they won't change my mind."

Why I wrote this book?

One May evening, my husband and I were sitting at the table talking about our day with our two daughters (before our son was born). We have a routine of saying something we are grateful for while we eat dinner every night. As we went around the table an idea popped first into my heart, then into my head. My girls need to be affirmed daily. It is not an option, but a true need that I feel is my responsibility to meet. I immediately knew I wanted to create a children’s book for them. I knew the book had to have pictures of them, affirmations that I truly believed in, and a layout that they would enjoy looking at day after day.  

I was very confident in my ability to create the book until I decided to make a book for girls all over the world. Talk about pressure! I’ve created multiple children’s books just for my girls, but this is the first children's book I am sharing with the world. In the conception stages of the book, I shared the idea with a few mothers who were gracious to allow me to use their daughters as inspiration for the pages. I wanted all girls to see themselves in at least one page of the book. There is a strong connection when you see your reflection on a page.

Two and a half years later, Affirmation ABCs for Little Ladies is available for purchase. The journey was not easy. I had doubts about my illustration abilities, added another baby during the illustration phase, and second-guessed myself more times than I could count. I am so thankful to my online community, family, and friends for continuing to encourage me to just keep going. I am so grateful to share this work with you and your little lady! I hope you are encouraged as you read alongside your little lady.





Soul Affirmations Vol II: Affirmations of Hope